Gwefan newydd Ebrill 2020

Snack Package

Snack Package

Pris rheolaidd
Pris gwerthu
Pris rheolaidd
Gwerthu allan
Pris uned
Treth wedi'i chynnwys.

Package includes:
1x Jones 150g
2x Jones Popcorn
1x Jones Milk Chocolate
1x Popty Bakery 6 Shortbread
1x Popty Bakery Bara Brith Fruit Cake
1x Popty Bakery 6 Welsh Cakes
1x Tregroes Toffee Waffles (8/pack)
1x Welsh Brew Tea, Coffee or Hot Chocolate (please choose)

Please let us know if you would like to add a short personalised message to your order in the 'Add a message to your order' section in 'Your basket'.

Products in picture may differ from products included in list above.