Saying "Diolch" with Welsh food - Bwndeli bwyd i ddweud "Diolch."
The current School Year must be one of the oddest experienced for everybody involved.
Teachers and all the supporting school staff have found themselves dealing with unprecedented changes that will continue into Autumn. In response to enquiries, we have put together two special Welsh food bundles that can be sent to say "diolch."
This new site came about due to the pandemic. Driving it forward is our goal of making it easier for people to source quality Welsh food (and drink later on this year) from producers that play such a key part in their local economy and community.
It gives us great pleasure therefore to introduce you to the latest addition to the Blasus.Cymru site - the famous Tregroes Waffles made in the heart of Gorllewin Cymru in Llandysul.
We are particularly pleased to sell their range of savoury crackers - not many realise they make these. It's no surprise to find them equally divine as the original waffles.
Teachers and all the supporting school staff have found themselves dealing with unprecedented changes that will continue into Autumn. In response to enquiries, we have put together two special Welsh food bundles that can be sent to say "diolch."
This new site came about due to the pandemic. Driving it forward is our goal of making it easier for people to source quality Welsh food (and drink later on this year) from producers that play such a key part in their local economy and community.
It gives us great pleasure therefore to introduce you to the latest addition to the Blasus.Cymru site - the famous Tregroes Waffles made in the heart of Gorllewin Cymru in Llandysul.
We are particularly pleased to sell their range of savoury crackers - not many realise they make these. It's no surprise to find them equally divine as the original waffles.
Geraint, James ac Heulwen
PS - As well as the £20 "Diolch" end of term bundle, we have also made a smaller £12 bundle. Because our free delivery is set at a very low £20, you would have to order two of the smaller £12 bundles to get a free delivery.... or maybe purchase one, and continue shopping for yourself?
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Geraint, James ac Heulwen
PS - As well as the £20 "Diolch" end of term bundle, we have also made a smaller £12 bundle. Because our free delivery is set at a very low £20, you would have to order two of the smaller £12 bundles to get a free delivery.... or maybe purchase one, and continue shopping for yourself?
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Rhaid mai'r Flwyddyn Ysgol hon yw un o'r rhai mwyaf rhyfedd i bawb sy'n ran o fywyd ysgol.
Mae athrawon a'r holl staff cefnogi wedi gorfod delio â newidiadau digynsail a fydd yn parhau i'r Hydref. Mewn ymateb i ymholiadau, rydym wedi llunio dau fwndel bwyd Cymreig arbennig y gellir eu hanfon i ddweud "Diolch."
Sefydlwydd y wefan newydd yma oherwydd y pandemig. Mae'r tri ohonom yn benderfynol o wneud hi'n haws i bobl ddod o hyd ac i brynu bwyd Cymreig o safon gan gynhyrchwyr sy'n chwarae rhan mor allweddol yn eu heconomi a'u cymunedau lleol.
Mae'n bleser mawr gennym felly eich cyflwyno i'r ychwanegiad diweddaraf at safle Blasus.Cymru - sef yr enwog Tregroes Waffles a gynhyrchir yng nghalon Gorllewin Cymru yn Llandysul.
Rydym yn arbennig o falch o werthu eu hystod o fisgedi sawrus - nid oes llawer yn sylweddoli eu bod yn gwneud y rhain. Gallwn gadarnhau bod nhw yr un mor flasus a'r wafflau gwreiddiol.
Mae athrawon a'r holl staff cefnogi wedi gorfod delio â newidiadau digynsail a fydd yn parhau i'r Hydref. Mewn ymateb i ymholiadau, rydym wedi llunio dau fwndel bwyd Cymreig arbennig y gellir eu hanfon i ddweud "Diolch."
Sefydlwydd y wefan newydd yma oherwydd y pandemig. Mae'r tri ohonom yn benderfynol o wneud hi'n haws i bobl ddod o hyd ac i brynu bwyd Cymreig o safon gan gynhyrchwyr sy'n chwarae rhan mor allweddol yn eu heconomi a'u cymunedau lleol.
Mae'n bleser mawr gennym felly eich cyflwyno i'r ychwanegiad diweddaraf at safle Blasus.Cymru - sef yr enwog Tregroes Waffles a gynhyrchir yng nghalon Gorllewin Cymru yn Llandysul.
Rydym yn arbennig o falch o werthu eu hystod o fisgedi sawrus - nid oes llawer yn sylweddoli eu bod yn gwneud y rhain. Gallwn gadarnhau bod nhw yr un mor flasus a'r wafflau gwreiddiol.
Geraint, James ac Heulwen
ON - Yn ogystal â'r bwndel "Diolch" diwedd tymor gwerth £20, rydym hefyd wedi gwneud bwndel llai am £12. Oherwydd bod ein cynnig danfon am ddim wedi'i osod ar lefel isel o £20, byddai'n rhaid i chi archebu dau o'r bwndeli £12 i gael danfoniad am ddim .... neu efallai gallwch brynu un, a pharhau i siopa i chi'ch hun?
Geraint, James ac Heulwen
ON - Yn ogystal â'r bwndel "Diolch" diwedd tymor gwerth £20, rydym hefyd wedi gwneud bwndel llai am £12. Oherwydd bod ein cynnig danfon am ddim wedi'i osod ar lefel isel o £20, byddai'n rhaid i chi archebu dau o'r bwndeli £12 i gael danfoniad am ddim .... neu efallai gallwch brynu un, a pharhau i siopa i chi'ch hun?