Gwefan newydd Ebrill 2020

Hilltop Welsh Blossom Honey

Hilltop Welsh Blossom Honey

Pris rheolaidd
Pris gwerthu
Pris rheolaidd
Gwerthu allan
Pris uned
Treth wedi'i chynnwys.

Bees forage the ancient landscapes of legends, myths and dragons to bring you this rare, golden nectar. Hilltop Honey Welsh Blossom Honey is 100% pure and natural – delightfully amber in colour, sweet and floral in flavour. Add a spoonful of Hilltop Welsh Blossom Honey to your breakfast and taste the adventure.

Sourced from apiaries across Wales. Available in a 227g jar. KLBD Approved. Honey may naturally crystallise.